Thursday, August 12, 2010

Damn I'm so bad at this Blog Lark Part 2!

I really am.

I can't decide whether to bother with this or just stick to Facebook only.

Most everything happens on Facebook, but it's fast moving. Stuff comes and go's. Posts appear an disappear. Whole threads fade into the fullness of webtime never to be seen again.

At least with a dedicated blog, it's easily searchable..right there... anytime you...or heaven interested third party...might want to read it...again even.

I'm not even suggesting I have anything of particular interest to say most of the time. But sometimes I surprise even myself.

I've never been good with anything diary related..I'm way to undisciplined for that. But I LOVE the idea. I can string a few words grammar and spelling are not that bad...I DON'T do text speak...I HATE it...and I can usually back up my thoughts with some half decent photographs of my own making.

So really it should be a no brainer. But everytime I end up just posting on Facebook..and it fades..along with all the other gazillion world changing posts that appear there every second of every day.

Oh and this year has been pretty eventful as far as my life goes. Tons of stuff to talk about...discuss..complain about...sing about...whatever your chosen means of discourse. But have I bothered...?

No...I just Facebooked ...and now I couldn't find the posts even if I was half bothered too.

I've a feeling that the next few months will be even more eventful than the previous months of this year put really I should force myself to be more disciplined (there's that word again) and use my blog.

Will I?

I'm fucked if I know Terry!!

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